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So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.

Acts 9:31

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 Why Multiply?


Where We Will Be


Chelsea Campus Building

By reaching our initial goal of $1.5 million, we can begin construction on our first building for the Chelsea Campus which would pave the way for future ministry.


Debt Retirement

Over the past few years, Double Oak Community Church has paid down the debt from $6.9 million to $3.1 million. By paying off existing debt, we will free up $35,000 per month and be better positioned for new ministry opportunities.

$35K per month could provide:

  • Meal backpacks for 7,000 kids for one month through ACFS

  • Send 55 individuals on the Choctaw mission trip

  • Build seven Yugo houses

Give United

Over the past three years, Double Oak Community Church has gifted $306,000 to help fund dozens of impactful ministries in the Birmingham area. By reaching our target goal, we will be able to continue to assist these ministries for the next three years.

Give United Ministries Include:

  • Project Night Night

  • The Addiction Prevention Coalition

  • Focus On Recovery

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Where We Were

At our peak, Double Oak Community Church had $6.9 MILLION in debt.

Over the past several years we have spent $2,0663,800 on the transformation of the gym into additional educational space, a church office on Olmsted Street, the purchase of land at Chelsea Park, and money for additional debt retirement.

As a result of your generosity, Double Oak now has new educational space, new administrative offices, a new campus at Chelsea, and land to build out that new campus. Plus, we still have paid down the debt from $6.9M to $3.1M.

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Where We Are

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Click below to give to the Multiply Campaign 
