
A New Thing
“Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.”
If you drive east down highway 280, just beyond the Chelsea Park subdivision, you’ll notice large machinery and men at work. If you were to stop and take a closer look, you’d see earth that has been moved, paths that have been cleared, and a landscape that has dramatically changed.
Over three years ago, God gave our elders and subsequently our church a vision for a new campus of our church to be placed in the Chelsea area. Beginning in July of 2018, we began meeting in Chelsea Park Elementary School and held the first services for Double Oak Community Church Chelsea. It was then that the Lord began to do a new thing – transforming us into a church that meets on two campuses.
The Lord continued to bless our church and add to our number in a way that necessitated a permanent location. Additionally, our congregants on both the Mt Laurel and Chelsea campuses have pledged to give in excess of six million dollars to our church through our Multiply campaign.
Now, we see the physical effects of the new thing the Lord is doing. I know that it is, in many ways, a way in the wilderness. Among those trees, in that previously wooded area, will now stand a building where the good news of Jesus Christ and his salvation will be shared, week after week. It will be a place where a weary world may come to rejoice. I hope you’ll come and join us.
-Michael Abrams