
As I am writing this, the concrete footings for our Chelsea building are being poured! This is, in many ways, something very new. There’s a foundation being poured into a place that used to be occupied by grass and trees. What a moment to celebrate the incredible work God is doing! If you and I looked into the history of the Old Testament, we’d see the people of Israel at actual building ceremonies. They would gather in remembrance of what God has done and would do in the future. That remembrance piece is incredibly important. When people drive down Highway 280 and look at the building that is being built, they will see something new. But for you and I that are a part of Double Oak Community Church, we realize the physical foundation that is being poured is a reminder of what God has already done in us over the last fifteen years. The physical building for our church will be new, but the stones that comprise our church spiritually are both old and new. As we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to worship in this facility, I pray that we will remember and walk in the faithfulness of those who have come before us in maturity, community, and charity to reflect the love of Jesus Christ for all people. As we look forward in faith to a new building designed by men, may that place be a reflection of the city that has foundations whose designer and builder is God (Hebrews 11:8-10).

- Michael Abrams

Michael Abrams